Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day

So yesterday we got snow and I got sent home early from work.  So I stopped and

got enough food for two days and came home and spent the evening sewing.  I finished a very cute overnight bag which I am very proud of.  Today I don't have to go to work again so I am either going to sew some more or go clean out and organize my closet or both!!!

Be safe everyone!!!

Monday, January 27, 2014


I had a whole post in my head about how we as Christians shouldn't shun people who are not like us and things like that because I feel strongly about that, and will probably still write it and save it for later. But today I have been discussing Valentine's Day and the sweetheart banquet at our church that I am expected to help put on because my Sunday School class is in charge of the food and decorations and various things like that.  I am still single (even though I am talking to someone), but that is not why I hate Valentine's Day.  I think it is a manufactured holiday that people pressure their significant others into commitments they may not be ready to make or buy expensive gifts they can't afford or get fat from chocolate, but that is a whole other soapbox to stand on another time.

I am really not looking forward to the Banquet because my ex and former best friend will be there. I feel betrayed my both of them.  Even though it has been years, since the main drama happened (they have kept it going), I still have very negative feelings toward them.  I feel like I should be over it now, but truth is every time I see them I remember how close I was to each of them and what he have now is nowhere close to what it was.

They remind me that people will hurt you to get what they want in life. They remind me that people are not always who they say they are. They remind me that people are not perfect. They remind me that people will put themselves first.  They remind me that people will lie to you.

Even with all of that, though, I have to be able to forgive and so far I am not doing well with that this last time.  There have been times when I had peace about the situation and felt like I had truly forgiven them, and then one of them would do or say something to start the drama all over again, and I begin the fight with bitterness, hurt and anger all over again.  Forgiveness is not easy for me. I feel entitled to my hurt.  I feel because they hurt me, I should be able to hurt them without consequences.

I was listening to a lesson on forgiveness, and Jesus says we must forgive others or we will not be forgiven.  And not just once but over and over and over.  I sometimes feel like they have reached their limit and I shouldn't have to forgive them anymore, but then I am reminded how many times Jesus has forgiven me and I still haven't reached a limit with Him.  And we are called as Christians to be like Him, so therefore I have to forgive without limits also.

Forgiveness is not for the other person though. It is for ourselves. The other person could honestly care less if I am upset with them or not, but it is spiritually and emotionally killing me.  I cannot do anything about what they did to me, but I can forgive and move on. I am not their judge nor do I want to be, I have to worry about myself.

So for Valentine's I am buying a fabulous dress and going to do lots of praying and soul searching.

What are your thoughts and opinions on Valentine's Day?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Wonderfully Made

My favorite verse is Psalm 139:14. It says I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.    

I love the thought that God took the time to make us individually.  The whole chapter talks about how God made us and put thought into how we would look and act.  He knows exactly where we are  all the time.  He knows our every thought, the nice and the not-so-nice ones ( I know I am not the only one who has them!)  He knows what people say to hurt us and what we say to hurt others.

He knew what we would look like because He made us that way. He knew that I would have blue eyes, brown hair, strong legs, and my momma's nose.  He knew that I would be missing a front tooth and skin that tends to break out easily or dry out or freak out for no apparent reason.  He knew I would be clumsy and would need strong bones so I didn't end up broke in a million pieces.  He knew I would tend to gain weight if I am not extremely careful and have an obsession with chocolate that must be controlled or I will be big as a barn.  He knew I would take family and friends very seriously and cannot stand people who lie, cheat or steal to get what they want.

He knew all these things about me, because He made me this way.  I have been dealing with back trouble for the last week pretty badly and have been hating my fat rolls alot more lately than normal, and I am trying to accept that some of these things I can change and some I can't.  But He knew I would be like this and He wants me to rely Him to know best and take care of me the best I can.

That means being easy on back and eating to keep my weight down and limiting the chocolate.  It means surrounding myself with people who make me feel better about myself and encourage me when I am down. It means being the best version of me and not trying to copy people I admire and trying to be them.  It means not worrying about the people who try to imitate me just annoy me.  It means immersing myself in Scripture and prayer until my thoughts are only on pure things.

Be the you He created you to be and trust Him to fill in the gaps and weaknesses you think you have!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Count Your Blessings

I know the holiday season is over, but it is really important to count your blessings all the time, every day, because you never know when you won't have them anymore!

I loved this song as a kid.  My mom hated this song!!  (Sorry Momma!)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Being Used

God can use anyone that will let Him.  That means what ever faults and failures you think you have He can use them for good to help someone else.  All you have to do is be open to Him using you!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Heart

I was so busy yesterday I completely forgot to the Tunesday so here it is a day late.

This song by Casting Crowns really gives you something to think about.  I normally try to win people over with my actions or service but Jesus isn't like that.  I can work all I want to, but if I don't give Him my heart it is completely pointless.

Where is your heart today?

Monday, January 6, 2014


So one of my New Year's Resolutions was to completely give up soda.  Today is day 6 that I have been soda free, but this morning on my way to work I was hit with an incredible craving for a Diet Dr Pepper that has not gone away four hours later.

  I will not get one, but it got me to thinking.  What if I craved time with the Lord like I did Diet Dr Pepper?  How much more effective could I be in life?

 For my devotions I will be starting Made to Crave for the second or third time through. It is a wonderful book that has so many good points which this blog will probably hear about.

Here in the last few weeks, things have been working out just like I needed them to, which is wonderful, except that it moved me to a place of complacency when it comes to my relationship with Jesus.  I know that He is responsible for everything working out, and I am grateful and then I kinda just left Him hanging, which is so wrong of me. I would get mad at a friend if they did me that way, how can I even think about doing that to the most important person in my life? But that is exactly what I did.  So with the beginning of the new year, I am making it a point to spend more effort in craving more of Jesus.

What are you craving today?