Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Quick Update

This last week has been really hectic but also partly relaxing ( I know that does not make much sense!)

I teach a class at the local community college and I have had to prepare the midterms. Then give them and then grade them and try to figure out why no one studied.

I had a job interview at a restaurant/coffee shop that I absolutely love and would love to work for the owners.

I have been teaching a class at the Y and trying to figure out what I am doing with that.

And then the relaxing part.  My parents were so wonderful to take me on their annual beach trip to see a mud bog. So I spent the weekend with my internet and data turned off and enjoyed the peace.

I have done lots of working out since I started fitness Fridays (mostly walking/running) but keep forgetting to take my measurements.  I am going to make myself a note to take pictures and measurements for this Friday and we will see how it works.  I am also going to meet with a personal trainer at the Y and get started lifting weights to go with my cardio.

I hope you are having a wonderful week!!!!  Now enjoy some pictures from my weekend!


After it flipped twice


She was protesting the selfie


I don't know why I needed to sit on a turtle but I did.
(But I am also the one who had fish for supper, and saw a fish in a tank and said to the fish, "I ate your brother." and creeped everyone out.)


All selfies with mom because daddy refuses to take pictures so I am glad she doesn't protest too much!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Child-like Faith

I have mentioned lately that I am a very independent person, and the drawbacks and positives of that.  For some reason the verse that says "except we come to the Father as a child."  (may not be word for word.)  I have a god-daughter that is two, and several girls that range from ages 8-14 that trust me and consider me one of their favorite people.  It does not matter what I tell them, they trust me and believe me.  My two year old god-daughter runs to me when she is scared (if her parents are not there.) and she trusts me to keep her safe.  She has no doubt that I will take care of her if at all possible.

I wonder if that's the reason God wants us to run to him and have child like faith.  I, as an adult, try to fix all my problems myself, and then when everything falls apart I turn to Him and beg Him to fix it before I have to ask other people to help.

I know I am not the only adult to continue in this cycle of insanity (by Einstein's definition).  God continually tells us in His Word to trust Him and He will take care of His children.  I wonder if He is grieved when we become too independent to need His help.  I know even as an adult I still need my parents and would not know what to do without them.  In some ways, with them, I am still a child.  I seek their approval, guidance, companionship, and love.  And as their child, I don't think that will ever stop.  That is what God is wanting from us, is for us to seek Him and trust Him.

Where have you become independent lately?

Monday, October 6, 2014


I have never really considered myself a proud person, but I really hate asking for help with anything. I am a very independent person. I like to do things for myself. I get really surprised when people offer to help me when I haven't even mentioned that I need help.

I had to break down and ask for help in several areas in the last month or so. I honestly think that part of my transition between jobs was about teaching me to accept help and to break my pride in not asking.

I feel like when I have to ask for help, that somehow I have failed in that particular area in my life. I hold myself to absolutely ridiculous standards sometimes. Just like the class I am teaching for the first time, I expected to be able to go in and teach like all of the experienced instructors I have had in my education. That has not happened at all. I have problems keeping them the whole allotted time (which I have to do), finding things interesting enough to say in the allotted time, and engaging with the students. I felt like they found me boring and uninteresting, and I felt the judgment and almost broke down in class. I expected to be perfect and I wasn't and I dissappointed myself.

I feel like this was pride taking over. I have been relatively good in the activities (whether work or play) I have participated in and I feel like when I am not immediately good at a particular activity that I have failed, and that is absolutely ridiculous. Where did I get these standards for myself? I would never impose these on anyone else. I was told over and over it was going to be hard. My thoughts were, “I can handle hard. I can do it. No problem. I am accustomed to hard work.”

Truth is, I can do it. I am not perfect. I will mess up. I will fail. This semester is my first and I will make plenty of mistakes. That I need to be taking notes of what I have messed up on and fix it later.

Truth is, I have a problem with pride I really didn't realize I had, until I was reduced to tears asking for help in a situation feeling like a failure. Pride goeth before a fall, and I felt like I had definitely fell. It really just hit me a couple of days ago why I felt like I had failed at life. I thought I had everything figured out, that I could do everything myself and without any help. How wrong I was.

What are you struggling with today? Are you feeling like you have failed because your standards for yourself are too high?

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fitness Friday

So I was going to start doing my personal physical updates on Thursdays and then I completely forgot yesterday (I am so sorry!) because I was having a pretty good, full day yesterday.  And I really like the name Fitness Friday!

So my starting measurements are (all in inches)




I haven't taken a picture of me in my workout attire yet.  I am hoping to start using the walking track at the Y next week.  I was going to do Zumba classes on Tuesdays but they have scheduled me some counseling sessions on Tuesday evenings every week this month so I might have to do the morning ones or find a different class.  But I will get pictures soon.

What are your fitness goals?

Hope you are having a wonderful Friday and looking forward to the weekend!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Honestly Me

I have found myself in the position to put more time into this blog as well as some other life changes, so I have been researching on how to blog efficiently and really well.  The advice I come across most frequently is to be yourself and be authentic.  I am normally an outgoing person with real potential to be sarcastic if I know it won't hurt your feelings.  With my family and friends, I am always teasing and joking and really try to encourage those around me.  Somehow on this blog I think I come across more polite and more of the negative things in my life come out on this space.

I want this space to be uplifting, not covering up the negative, but seeing the positive light in a negative situation.  I want my teasing and joking side to come across on this space.  My sarcasm should probably only come in small amounts.

I am teaching a nutrition class at my community college now and I am doing some nutrition counseling through the YMCA I work at.  With my job at the Y, I was given a membership and I am going to put it to use by improving my physical self, while taking measures to improve the other areas of myself.  This space is about A Life Made Well, and I want that to reflect every area in life.  So on Thursdays, I am going to post pictures and measurements and some improvements (hopefully there won't be setbacks, but that is really unrealistic to think like that!) and hopefully some tips on improving your nutrition and overall physical health.  I want to start with the Zumba classes offered.

Lately, I have been really insecure with who I am, so I am trying to work on that area of my life but that is for another post.  I literally had to have a pep talk with myself in the bathroom Monday afternoon (so glad someone didn't walk in and see me talking to myself) about how I should quit worrying about what the people I was talking to thought of me. That they would not shoot me if I made a mistake.  I am hoping to improve my mental state as I improve my physical state.

I know this is a long post to announce I am going to be putting myself, my real self, out there.  If I am always hiding my real self from people I don't know what I am missing out on.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Waging War

Lately, with everything going on, I feel like life has been crashing down on me. I feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, and angry and that is just in one day.  This song was shown to me by a friend.  She was asking if I thought our youth choir should do it, but I love how it talks about taking control of your issues and taking the victory over those issues.  It has become a recent favorite.  I also love the Southern Spiritual touch it has.

What are you waging war on today?

Monday, September 29, 2014


Psalm 27:14 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Waiting is hard.  No answers while you are waiting is hard.

I have no patience, so waiting, to me, is even harder.  I am a worrier, so having no answers is stressful for me.

I have come through a time of waiting concerning jobs.  My full time job fired me over something they had approved of me doing and I didn't have a back up plan in place yet.  I was left with a part time job that is 3 hours a week paying once a month.  I live by myself and pay my bills and 3 hours a week wasn't going to cut it.  I thought about taking jobs like waiting tables or something similar but my parents kept telling me to wait and see if something better came along.

I am so glad I listened to them. I put an application in that I really didn't know what I was getting into. The position I applied for was working a customer service desk.  What I got was an opportunity to not only work a  desk but to counsel all different types of nutrition (which happens to be my Bachelor's Degree).

A few weeks before I lost my full time job, I made a list of what I wanted my life to look like.  With this new job and a little bit of work almost all of those things on my list are being checked off.

Waiting is hard.  But the good things are worth the wait.

What are you waiting on?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

He'll Hold You

This song has been on my mind lately, so hopefully it will encourage someone who is feeling a little down, or lonely, or depressed.  Someone is holding you!

Have a great Tuesday!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Star Spangled Banner

So while I normally hate being just like everyone else I really seem to get into holidays and going all out for them (you should see all the snowmen that come out at Christmas!!!!)  So for this Tunesday Tuesday it is our nation's anthem.

While I do bleieve that our nation is declining as a whole and that most of our leaders can't be trusted, I still believe we are blessed to be living in America and not some third world country where we have no freedom at all.  I believe this nation needs prayer and to return to the principals it was founded on.

I hope everyone has a wonderful safe holiday filled with  lots of fireworks, food, and family!

How is your favorite way to celebrate?

Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday Favorites

So this has been a tough week with several deaths, and I haven't shared in a while so this is for a few weeks.  

Hope Everyone is having a Wonderful Friday! What's your favorite part of the weekend?

 Got my contacts back this day but was having a great hair day, so selfie time!

My sweet mom and for lunch and coffee!!

Absolutely love this sweet girl!!!!

Got to watch this lady in her first mounted shooting competition! She got second in her class! So proud!!!!

 I stopped to get coffee before meeting my grandma this day and the lady in front of me paid for my coffee.  Absolutely made my day knowing there are still kind people out there.

Bible School!  I wanted to take many more pictures but my phone kept dying. 

There is nothing cuter than this little one growling out the word "bubbles" and then proceeding to blow them. Just melts my heart!!!

 Movie Time!

He loves chewing on fingers!!!!

We tried grilling and could not get the charcoal lighted, until after everything had been cooked on the propane. We decided we were not the next iron chefs of America!

We had a school reunion and got to catch up! Have missed this girl so much, that we made plans for dinner later this week!

The brother and I on our way to shop til we drop!

My sis in law decided she needed a five minute work out!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Broken Hallelujah

I know of at least three families that have been touched by death in the last two weeks, and my heart hurts for them.  This song reminds me to praise God even in the midst of the worst times.

Hope you guys are having a wonderful Tuesday!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Who Will Step Up?

This weekend a sweet dear lady passed away.  She was a faithful member of our church. She loved everyone and never said a cross word about anyone that I heard.  I had the privilege to sit with her through her rehab and visit with her several times.  There were two things she loved to do more than anything.  That was read her Bible especially to others, and to sing about Jesus.  Through all the pain and hard times, I saw her do these two things constantly.  She was a perfect example on how to be loving, patient, and humble.

I loved this woman very much, but I am not sad she has passed away. I hurt for the family, knowing that they feel a loss.  Our church will feel the loss of this wonderful saint.  But as I keep thinking about the future without her, I keep having one constant thought. Who will step up and take her place down here on Earth?

 She was such a Godly example, and I don't feel like I will ever be able to live up to her example, but I will try. This world needs people who will pray and love like Jesus did. She prayed constantly and talked about Jesus every chance she got.  How often do we even think about Jesus much less talk about Him to other people?

She was so humble and content with whatever life dealt her, even in the hospital and rehab I never heard her complain. How often do I whine because I don't get my way on a daily basis?

I see her life as a challenge to me to step up and become a Christ like example to the younger ones who look up to me as I did her.

Who has challenged you to step up in your life?

At the Sweetheart Banquet 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Returning... Hopefully New and Improved

Good morning everyone! It has been about five weeks (give or take a few days) since I have been on here, and the list of reasons is long and actually some reasons are pretty boring. But while I have been away I could not quit thinking on how to make this space better, not only for me but for my readers, however few or many they may be.

I have quite a few new features I want to start implementing on here that could be suitable for anyone, even though I tend to focus on young single women since that is where my experience lies.  I also want to focus on all aspects of life, because if one aspect is out of balance it throws your whole life out of balance and and this space is named A Life Well Made so I want to live up to the name!!

I have been running my new ideas by my life adviser aka my mom, and she has been wonderfully helping me work through these ideas and improve upon them.  I won't be able to implement them all at once because I want them to be consistent and of good quality so I will be bringing them on slowly.  If you see something new, let me know what you think about it in the comments.

I am happy to be back!  I am looking forward to connecting with people and hopefully encouraging people in their Well Made Lives!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Comfort Zones

I know it's easy to stay in those comfort zones, so here is a little inspiration to help get you out!
All-time favorite quote by Steve Prefontaine. I use to have this posted near the light switch in my bedroom.  Small steps make big changes  The walls we build to protect us from sadness can become the walls which also protect us from happiness | Anonymous ART of Revolution        Faith. 

Happy Humpday Everyone!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

In My Own Little World

Part of the reason people love their comfort zones so much is because they don't have to deal with anyone new for good or bad.  A lot of times this means we are missing the people who need our help. I love this song because it talks about how he stepped out of his comfort zone and helped someone and added to his population in his own little world.

Have a Wonderful Tuesday!!!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Comfort Zones

It seems like lately, all that has happened is pushing me out of my comfort zone. Work is stressful and this office has potential to close at any time.  I am dealing with making lifestyle changes because I could be facing some scary health situations. I am working on a project that could become my  career. I am working with people I don't really care for and they may not like me on a project that I don't really want to do.  And these are just the recent examples.

Part of my problem with getting out of my comfort zone is so many times I lack the faith it takes to just step out.  Stepping out of your "bubble" is scary. You could fall on your butt. Really Hard. Falling on your butt hurts. A lot. I honestly believe I have potential to do great things, but I am scared most of the time of failing.  Most of the time, I don't have a problem being different as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, and that includes me too.

I believe in each case that has gotten me out of my "bubble" lately is God's doing and that I really need to do these things.  So I have to believe He is with me through these hard times. 

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness  Isaiah 41:10

He will help us and hold us in His righteousness. We have nothing to fear when we are in the palm of His hand.

For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.  Isaiah 41:13

This verse reminds me of a loving parent holding their child's hand, guiding them and encouraging them to not be afraid.  He is our Heavenly Father who is leading us, so it makes sense, He will encourage us too.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Philippians 1:6

I love the fact that this verse tells us to be confident in the God that began this work in you.  He put those desires to be different in you for a reason. He not only began a good work, but He is there every step of the way until it is finished.

What are your comfort zones you are being called out of?

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Friday Faves

So last week’s wouldn't post so I am going to double up this week.

     1)      The school I volunteer for had wacky sock day.  I participated!!!!                                                                                 

    2)      I had the most wonderful dinner with a friend I had not seen in a really long time. We both had a really rough day, and we sat there for a couple hours just catching up and venting and reuniting with plans to do it again really soon!
    3)      My friend from the 3rd grade (just saying that makes me feel old!) invited me to a baseball game.  While the home team lost badly, we had a wonderful time!!!

    4)      Last Saturday, I took a widow, who is very dear to my heart, lunch.  We sat and talked for a couple hours. She shared with me some of her hardest times in life and the verses that got  her through those times.  She had me in tears, knowing I haven’t been through nearly as much as she has, and she is still going strong in her faith in the Lord.  That day I received so much hope for my future, that God would be with me no matter what.

    5)      Last Sunday was Easter. I went to the sunrise service at church.  There was so much joy in that place that morning.  I was reminded that without Easter, I would have no grace, mercy, joy or forgiveness.

    6)      Tuesday, I went to my Grandma’s to eat supper. I always love going over there  and just talking with my family.  They are so loving and accepting of me and don’t laugh at my dreams but encourage me to follow them.  

7) Yesterday I got to see my Julie and get coffee.  I get to see this sweet wonderful woman again today so more pictures will be on here next week too!!!!