I have found myself in the position to put more time into this blog as well as some other life changes, so I have been researching on how to blog efficiently and really well. The advice I come across most frequently is to be yourself and be authentic. I am normally an outgoing person with real potential to be sarcastic if I know it won't hurt your feelings. With my family and friends, I am always teasing and joking and really try to encourage those around me. Somehow on this blog I think I come across more polite and more of the negative things in my life come out on this space.
I want this space to be uplifting, not covering up the negative, but seeing the positive light in a negative situation. I want my teasing and joking side to come across on this space. My sarcasm should probably only come in small amounts.
I am teaching a nutrition class at my community college now and I am doing some nutrition counseling through the YMCA I work at. With my job at the Y, I was given a membership and I am going to put it to use by improving my physical self, while taking measures to improve the other areas of myself. This space is about A Life Made Well, and I want that to reflect every area in life. So on Thursdays, I am going to post pictures and measurements and some improvements (hopefully there won't be setbacks, but that is really unrealistic to think like that!) and hopefully some tips on improving your nutrition and overall physical health. I want to start with the Zumba classes offered.
Lately, I have been really insecure with who I am, so I am trying to work on that area of my life but that is for another post. I literally had to have a pep talk with myself in the bathroom Monday afternoon (so glad someone didn't walk in and see me talking to myself) about how I should quit worrying about what the people I was talking to thought of me. That they would not shoot me if I made a mistake. I am hoping to improve my mental state as I improve my physical state.
I know this is a long post to announce I am going to be putting myself, my real self, out there. If I am always hiding my real self from people I don't know what I am missing out on.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday!
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