Monday, November 25, 2013

Days 22, 23, 24, 25

So I fell behind again over the weekend so let me catch up.

Day 22- Very thankful for catching up with a college friend over dinner.

Day 23- Thankful for snowmen and being able to decorate for Christmas.

Day 24- Thankful for church dinners and the wonderful people I go to church with! Also for the time I get to spend with my brother and SIL.

Day 25- for Monster in energy drinks to get me through Monday and that it will be a short week.

Everyone stay warm this week. Here in NC its not supposed to get over 45 all week!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 21

Today is a couple of things.  They may seem small but they are making my day right now!

1)  I have a wonderful boss that brings me cinnamon rolls.

2) I found a great deal on a sewing machine I have wanted for a very long time!

3) The ability to multitask.

4) My brother and sis in law will be here Saturday!

5) I am listening to wonderful Christmas music.

6) Next week is a short week.

I will try to post everyday next week but with the visiting family I am not promising.  I am hoping to keep Instagram updated so if you want to follow its redeeminggrace!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!

Best Boss!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day Twenty

I cannot believe I lasted this long!  Normally when I start lists like this I forget everything I was going to say about halfway through and I am the one who forgot to write it down in the first place! Haha Oh well, Life happens right? Right.

So now on to the thankfulness part of the post. I am thankful that I get to be a part of the nursing home ministries at our church.  The younger people of the church went to an assisted living  last night like we do every month.  Because it is November we sang songs about Thanksgiving and how blessed we are and things like that.  While we were singing, I watched the people that were listening to us.  They were singing right along with us and several of them told us how blessed they were, especially by us coming.

 Most of them are in wheel chairs and have to have CNA's do everything for them, but they still considered themselves blessed to be there and have heat and food.  I love talking to them afterwards.  One sweet lady called me beautiful, but to me she is gorgeous.  She always seems to enjoy our singing, and she is always smiling and laughing when we talk to her.

Anyway, everyone have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19

Today I am thankful for my education.  I was blessed to have gone to private school until college.  At these schools I was provided a wonderful education that most people in America doesn't get.  At the second private school, I had wonderful teachers who were more like parents to us students and I am still really good friends with almost all of them! I go to church with several of the teachers, and I have also had the privilege of working along side of them to educate the students of the school now.

 Because of my education, I can read, write, and communicate intelligently (at least in English most of the time!)  Education is a possession that no one can take away, and you definitely get out of it what you put into it.  I knew enough when I was in school to appreciate the education I was receiving, but I really appreciate it now as I see the world around me disintegrating, especially in the area of education. I have met high school students who couldn't read or add and subtract, and it makes me wonder how they got to high school.  Education is also something that never stops if you don't want it to!

So everyone have a great Tuesday and go learn something!

This is trigonometry.  I accused the devil of writing this foreign language!  

Monday, November 18, 2013

Days 15, 16, 17 and 18

I was very busy over the weekend and I completely forgot to post so I will combine the last several days in one post.

Day 15- I am thankful for extended family.  I went to clean a house for my great uncle, and left paid for the cleaning plus a block of livermush (which would have been payment enough!), four rolls of deer hamburger, and turnips.  I didn't ask for any of it, they just kept shoving it at me and it was impossible to say no!

Day 16- I am thankful for Christmas music and snowmen and hot tea!

Day 17- I spent this day in church and had two wonderful services! At the end of the evening, I felt so at peace and rested. It was exactly what I needed!

Day 18-I am thankful for my sis in law, Emily.  We actually got to talk Saturday and most of it was conspiring about Christmas presents and talking about shopping.  It is nice to have a sister like person in my life, and while we may not be as close as I would like, I still love her!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day Fourteen

Today I am thankful for peanut M&M's used as stress relief!

I know they are not healthy but they taste really good and I heard a speaker say one time that because they are mostly peanuts and peanuts are good for you then they are health food.

Of course he also said that because Diet Coke was mostly water it was also healthy for you!

I like his thinking!

Have a great Thursday everyone!!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day Thirteen

Today, I am thankful for my brother.  My brother is really the only person who understands me when I talk about issues with my parents or childhood or family in general.  He understands because he grew up with me in the same household with the same family.  He has grown to be a wonderful friend through the years.  We used to fight something awful and we still have fun fighting, but I can talk to him when I can't talk to my parents!  He helps me work through issues with guys.  He can always make me laugh when I am having a bad day. He is a wonderful role model for almost everyone! He is a preacher and I can take my Bible questions to him and we can discuss them and not get mad when we don't agree with each other!  I could not imagine not having him in my life.  He is actually the kind of man I want to marry one day!  Love you JR!!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day Twelve

Today, I am thankful for my pastor and his family.  I really do have a wonderful pastor and had the privilege of him also being my high school principal for several years.  He is wise and tries to do right by everyone.  He is human so he doesn't always succeed, but none of us do.  My pastor's wife also works in the school, and she recently has been someone wonderful for me talk to about different situations.  I am really close to all three of their children (who aren't really children anymore) and Brittany has also become a close friend of mine.  I have been in churches where the pastor was only there for a paycheck but this is not the case with my pastor.  They are very involved with the youth of the church which has helped me tremendously through the years.  Thank you Lord for allowing me to know the Shepherd family!

From left to right: Ms. Janice, Brittany, Emily (my sis in law), Curt (the shorter one in front), Kyle (my brother), Benjamin, and Mr. Shepherd

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day ten

Today I am thankful for the opportunity to go to church. I have a wonderful church who would help me through hard times. Right now, we still have the freedom to go to church. I have heard of several stories lately where people are killed just for being caught witnessing and they continue to do it. It makes me wonder what my problem is, worrying about small stuff when there are people dying just to witness to someone.

Day Eleven

Today is Veteran's day, and I am so thankful for the people who has fought for this country. I may not agree with everything America has become, but there is really no denying that its still one of the greatest countries on Earth.  I could have been born in China, where I would have been given away or killed because I was a girl, or I could have been born into one of the Middle Eastern countries where I would have been married off at 14 to someone I didn't  know, or I could have been born into a country where I would have been sold as a sex slave, but I was born into a country that had men and women fight so that I wouldn't have to do any of that. These people go away from their families to fight for a country. That takes true dedication to their country and the people in it!  Thank you to everyone who has served and is serving!

God Bless America!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day Nine

Today I am thankful for my health. I have been unpacking theses last two days and that means carrying boxes, lifting, twisting, and running up and down stairs. I am a little over weight but I am basically healthy. I believe health is a resource and since we are called to be good stewards of our resources, I have a renewed desire to be as healthy as I can be. I have started walking several afternoons in a week, and I find that not only does this help me physically but it helps me mentally. I have also been eating better which helps my digestive issues and head aches. I have seen people not take care if their health and regret it just a few short years later. I am thankful I can go out and do almost anything I want because I am healthy.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Day Eight

Today I am thankful for God always knowing what I need. Like today after a rough week at work I get two days where I can relax and rest and recuperate and work on some things at the house. He always know what I need to hear, like this He has challenged me to several different things that I am now working on. I am thankful it's not always up to me too know best because I would mess it all up but I don't have to. I have someone I can trust in to know and supply all my needs!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day Seven

Today I am thankful for my apartment.  I recently moved because there was/is some insecurity with my job and I am trying to cut down on bills just in case something does happen.  I moved to a place that saves me over $100 in the total living costs and it has a washer and dryer, something my old place didn't have.   I am really like the area better than the one I was in, and I am closer to more people that I know.  I can't show you pictures of the inside yet because most of it is still a mess from unpacking, but I will get to work on that some tomorrow.  I am really thankful I have a decent place to live. I have seen people who live in houses who roofs leaked, and when they were asked what they would like in a new house it was to have more buckets to catch the leaks.  I have people have to board up their windows because there was no glass in them.  I have also seen people have to live with bars over their windows and doors because of how bad the area was.  I am truly blessed in where I live!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day Six

I have been thinking a lot lately about the wonderful friends I have. I have a post written on the importance of friendship, I just haven't gotten it typed yet, maybe tonight for tomorrow!  I really do have wonderful friends. They are always there for me when I need someone to talk to, bail me out of tough situations when I can't call family, and just there to have fun with.  Life would be really dull without my friends in it!   I can't post pictures of ALL my friends but I do have pictures of some of my best friends who I have known for years and haven't failed me yet!





 Dannie & Trisha


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day five

You can't really see anything in this picture but a door, but it's the front door to where I work. I am thankful for my job today. I work with really great people even though we sometimes have our differences. This job is teaching me a set of skills I didn't have before. I was thinking about my life goals the other night and this job I'd teaching me a lot of the skills I will need to complete those goals. It may not be my favorite job, but I am thankful I have a good passing job when so many people are out of work or having to keep two or three jobs just to make ends meet! Have a great day everyone!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Day Four

Day Four and I am thankful for my heritage. Our heritage helps mold us into who we are. I have a heritage of hard working, Godly grandparents. I was also honored to know most of my great grandparents. That is not something everyone gets to say. This picture is of my Daddy's father (my grandpa). He was a preacher and helped teach us right from wrong. He taught us that God should be first in our life no matter what.
And these are the rest of my grandparents who are still living at my brother's wedding. They continue to teach me, mold me and provide encouragement whenever needed.  Love them all so much!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day three

Day three is my daddy!  I'm not any more thankful for one parent than the other, but I did want them each to have a day to themselves! Daddy has taught me to take care of myself in rough situations and to work hard and if neither of those worked family had your back! Daddy had always watched out for me and took care of me (not saying mom didn't)! Love you Daddy!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day two

I am so thankful for my mom! She is honestly one of my best friends. She had taught me so much about sewing, cooking, crafting, and life in general. We can honestly talk for hours and we can incorporate Disney quotes in almost any situation. Love you mom!