Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

The last day Tunesday of the Year, hey the last day of the year!!!  This day call for this song!

Here's wishing everyone a great day and a Happy New Year filled with blessings!!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Resolutions (or lack of)

I have mixed feelings about New Year's Resolutions.  It seems like a lot of pressure to put on yourself only to fail and stop doing whatever you said you were going to do, and then you feel awful about yourself for quitting and you fall back into bad habits or start doing something worse.  I really only have two resolutions that I have to do everyday. They are give up soda completely and to make my bed up everyday.  I know they are simple but I need simple.

That being said, while I don't have many resolutions for the New Year, I do have goals that I want to accomplish in this next year.  I am going to sit down soon and write each of these goals down and how to accomplish them.  This is not an exhaustive list, because I think as people we should always be looking to improve ourselves.  But here is the rough draft of goals for 2014.

1) To start my Master's in Psychology.
2) To lose at least 20 more pounds and get extremely healthy.
3) To spend more time on this blog. This blog has become an outlet for me and I feel mentally and spiritually healthier. I hope to incorporate physically with that in the next year also.
4) To be more financially responsible.  I am not the best with finances and realizing that I want to put more effort into being more responsible.
5) To sew about 90% of my clothes in the next year. I love to sew and I have wonderful fabrics just waiting to be used and that keeps me from shopping as much.
6) To find an outlet where I get to help people, whether it be volunteering or an actual job.
7) To start up an Etsy store.  I love the crafty things but could never use them all myself and I think that would be a great way to make a little extra income.

That is what I have had floating in my head. I may think of others later and hopefully I can sit down later and expound on each of these.

What New Year's Resolutions or Goals do you have?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Meaning of Christmas

A friend of mine and I were talking last night, mostly about Christmas and our plans and we both really like Christmas, but we came to the realization on how many people really don't like Christmas.  They told me to pay attention to when others were asked were they ready for Christmas, and the majority of the time the answer is "I'm ready for it to be over."

This extremely saddens me!  Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and giving in remembrance of why Christ came to Earth.  People have taken this holiday so out of context, all they see is misery.  Everyone looks at the presents.  Presents they are getting. Presents they have to get for family. Presents they have to get for Co workers. Presents they are getting people they don't even like.  Presents that cost more money than what they make in a year just to make a spoiled child happy for five minutes.  The one Present no one thinks of anymore was the first Present ever given on Christmas-Jesus.  If more people would think about why He came and what He did while He was here, and tried to do similar, they would be sooooooo much happier.  

My family has decided that we have so much more stuff than what we really need, that we are going to find people who can't afford anything for Christmas and spend our money on them.  We are all stubborn in our family, so everyone will still get everyone else a little something, but the majority of our Christmas money will go to someone less fortunate. (Next year, I will also be supporting only local stores and vendors for Christmas presents, if I don't make them myself, but that is a whole different rant in itself.) I believe our family will be so much happier doing this anyway.  We have always tried to help others around this season anyway, and we enjoy that more than when we get together and give our Christmas gifts to each other. We went to Kentucky last weekend to give away gifts and food, and that might as well have been Christmas day for me to see the gratefulness of those families. And then, last night at the nursing home, singing Christmas carols to those people and seeing them sing with us just made my heart soar. (I know that sounds cheesy, but that's how I felt.)  

I hope with just a week from Christmas that we (and I say we because I get caught up in this mentality too.) can remember the real reason for Christmas and that we can try to act like He did with love and compassion for others!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Joy to the World

I absolutely love this version of Joy to the World.  Mom and I love to go see Christmas lights, and  one house puts theirs to music. That is where I first heard it.  I found it on the radio just the other day and caught the artist and bought it as soon as I was at a computer.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!!!

And this one is just amazing!!!

Monday, December 16, 2013


So there is a Lady Gaga song on the radio right now, and all it talks about is how she lives for the applause of her fans and peers.  That song seemed really sad to me after I got to thinking about the implications and meanings.  It is a catchy tune, and once you hear it, it is STUCK in your brain and won't go away while you are trying to sleep, but it is still sad.  If all she is living for is the applause of others, she will never be satisfied.

Then I got to thinking about other people that call themselves Christians (myself included). Do we really live for the approval of God or the applause of others? Do we do things for others because we know we are being Jesus to a hurting people or because the pastor will be proud of us and the church members will talk about how good we are?  Do we go to church because it satisfies our need to fellowship with God or because we get approval for being faithful?

I tend to go out of my way not to be like others because I don't like cookie cutter people, and I tend to get applauded for that, for just being myself. Now I could let that applause go to my head and go to more and more extremes to "just be different", but I would be exactly like Lady Gaga. She goes to extremes to shock her fans and hope that they approve of her methods.  I think its a little crazy to show up to an awards ceremony in an egg, but her goal was to shock and I was shocked and therefore she got the applause she craved so badly, but after that show was done, the applause and shock died, and now she has to think of even more shocking methods to get applauded, to fulfill that craving.

I have nothing against Lady Gaga at all, but I do think it is important for us as individuals to examine our motivation behind the things we do.  If we are just living for the applause like the song says, we will never be satisfied.  If we do our Christian deeds because we know Christ will approve of us, then we will know true satisfaction.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Just a Reminder

There is so much pressure in the world to be beautiful and perfect and I think this picture sums up what we should be thinking about when it comes to beauty and perfection! It's found in Jesus!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday Everyone!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

All I Want for Christmas

I have always loved this song. It really doesn't matter that I am single almost always on Christmas, it's just a really fun song!

Have a great Tuesday Everyone!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

True Love

Ok so this last week has been very emotional for me for several reasons.  I sat down yesterday morning with tears streaming down my face while I scribbled my frustrations with the world and life in general. I don't understand people or why they do the things they do.  While last week was tough, everytime I went to church I heard exactly what I needed to hear.  To not give up and to keep going and to work on myself and not worry so much about other people that are knowingly doing wrong and getting by with it for now.

So after crying most of the morning, church was cancelled last night because of the weather.  I worked on some crafts and finished a baby blanket for a very dear friend, and then had a different friend take me out to eat and we watched Christmas movies and the end of the football game.  It was exactly what I needed. I could literally feel my insides healing.

I have been thinking alot about what I want to do with my life next year and the next few years. (I am a little early on the New's Years Resolutions, so I will save the details until later!)  I have so many opportunities if I just work at it, I feel like I could really make something of myself.  Part of last week's frustrations were me not feeling good enough or like I have accomplished enough for my age.

I don't feel like I will be single forever, and I have in my head the kind of man I want.  I read the Advent reading for today, and it is a passage people read every year.  (Matthew 1:18-21)  Something jumped out at me that really I had never noticed.  Joseph truly loved Mary.  He wasn't willing to turn her in because of what looked like her sin.  He had to be hurt with the thought of her having another man's child, but instead of having her killed (which in those days was his right) he tried to put her away somewhere where she could have the child. At this point, the angel had not come to him yet.  He had to be dealing with feelings of hurt and betrayal, but still he loved her.  That is not only the kind of man I want, but also the kind of person I want to be.  I am trying so hard not to let my feelings of hurt turn into bitterness and anger.  Right now, I am just thankful for the supporting friends (including my mom) who just listen to me rant and support me when I am at my lowest.

One other thing Joseph did that I find an amazing quality, he listened to God and trusted Him completely when God told him about Mary.  It takes a strong person to listen to God and hold on to what He says when the situation seems hopeless. That is what I am trying to do right now. Just hold onto the promises He has given me!

I hope everyone stays dry and has a wonderful Monday!

 Keria's Birthday Party Saturday

Keria and I before the parade Saturday

My phone died so I didn't get my pictures of the parade.

Sydney eating a lemon!

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Day Four and Five of the Advent reading are filled with promise.  The first passage was Jeremiah 33:14-16 and the second was Luke 1:5-10.

They both talk about how the Lord is righteous and because of His righteousness He will fulfill His promises to Judah and Elizabeth.  I find it encouraging that in both instances the promises came true. The fact that He kept His promises in those two instances, proof that whatever He has promised us will come true.  The Bible is filled with promises to us, that we can claim because we know that He will keep them.   This life would be awful if we didn't have any assurance that He would do what He said.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thursday. Mine is quite rainy!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Music

Anyone who knows me knows I absolutely LOVE Christmas music and some of it I will listen to year round.  So the next few Tunesday Tuesdays it will be Christmas music, and it will probably be more than one song.

My all time favorite is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. They combine classic orchestras with electric guitars and amazing vocals in a way you wouldn't dream of them being put together.  Each of their albums tell a story. It is so unique and cool that I never get tired of it.  I have found one song that I didn't like, and that is off of five albums.

This the first song I heard from them on the radio and I was hooked. It still is my all time favorite.

I also really love this Canon. The vocals and the electric guitars together make it perfect!

This is a really long one, but totally worth it!  Love the light shows they put on too!

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Advent Reading

So it is the Christmas season, and I am completely guilty, like everyone else, about getting caught up in the gifts and rush and the business of the season.  The other day I found a pin on Pinterest that was an Advent reading list.  It is a list of verses for everyday leading up to Christmas day.  I find that it makes me stop for just a few minutes and remember the real reason we even have a Christmas season.

 I do have to admit that I only started last night, but I went ahead and read two days worth, and the passages really seemed to go together.

The first day was John 1:1-5. It talks about how Christ is the light of the world and came to save us from the darkness that consumes us.  The fifth verse talks about how He shined in the darkness but the darkness comprehended it not.  If we as Christians make sense to the population who are not Christians then something is wrong.  That light should give us a peace and joy that the world who are in darkness cannot comprehend.  I had never looked at it like that before last night and it just stuck out to me.

The second day was Isaiah 9:2-7. This passage talks about what the Light does when He comes into your life.  He brings joy, relieves burdens of stress, and brings a peace that knows no end.  It also calls Him Wonderful, Counsellor, and the Mighty God, just to name a few of His names.  I know in my life He has done all these things for me and so much more.

The third day is Isaiah 11:1-10, and it is talking about how righteous and fair God is. He will come in and rescue the oppressed that depend on Him for Salvation.  It also talks about how peaceful everything will be after He takes the rescued and redeemed to Heaven.  He paints pictures of lambs lying with lions and children playing with poisonous snakes, all with no fear and no harm.  In a world with so much unrest and confusion today, a world of peace sounds like a dream.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday, and hopefully it will snow soon!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30

So as promised I fell behind on the last week.  Sooo with no further ado the last five thankful days.

26- Everything I touched this day broke, tore up, or didnt add up, but at the end of the day everything was fixed. Very thankful for that!

27- Half a day of work and the grocery stores weren't too crowded.

28- I got to spend the day with my family and drink coffee and do crafts and sleep.  It was a really good day.

29- I got to go shopping with mom and SIL this day and found some really cute things.

30- I got to spend the WHOLE DAY with friends from out of town and I have pictures to prove it!

Kenny and Kloe

Picture with the bear!

Fish faces

Silly faces



Me and Kloe

Me and Trisha


Possum face

 She was drawing and every picture she drew she would make this face and ask, "Does this look like a flower to you?"

Me and Julie for Coffee


Gorgeous sign at the coffee shop

Definitely picture overload, and this isn't all of them from the day.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Days 22, 23, 24, 25

So I fell behind again over the weekend so let me catch up.

Day 22- Very thankful for catching up with a college friend over dinner.

Day 23- Thankful for snowmen and being able to decorate for Christmas.

Day 24- Thankful for church dinners and the wonderful people I go to church with! Also for the time I get to spend with my brother and SIL.

Day 25- for Monster in energy drinks to get me through Monday and that it will be a short week.

Everyone stay warm this week. Here in NC its not supposed to get over 45 all week!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 21

Today is a couple of things.  They may seem small but they are making my day right now!

1)  I have a wonderful boss that brings me cinnamon rolls.

2) I found a great deal on a sewing machine I have wanted for a very long time!

3) The ability to multitask.

4) My brother and sis in law will be here Saturday!

5) I am listening to wonderful Christmas music.

6) Next week is a short week.

I will try to post everyday next week but with the visiting family I am not promising.  I am hoping to keep Instagram updated so if you want to follow its redeeminggrace!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!

Best Boss!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day Twenty

I cannot believe I lasted this long!  Normally when I start lists like this I forget everything I was going to say about halfway through and I am the one who forgot to write it down in the first place! Haha Oh well, Life happens right? Right.

So now on to the thankfulness part of the post. I am thankful that I get to be a part of the nursing home ministries at our church.  The younger people of the church went to an assisted living  last night like we do every month.  Because it is November we sang songs about Thanksgiving and how blessed we are and things like that.  While we were singing, I watched the people that were listening to us.  They were singing right along with us and several of them told us how blessed they were, especially by us coming.

 Most of them are in wheel chairs and have to have CNA's do everything for them, but they still considered themselves blessed to be there and have heat and food.  I love talking to them afterwards.  One sweet lady called me beautiful, but to me she is gorgeous.  She always seems to enjoy our singing, and she is always smiling and laughing when we talk to her.

Anyway, everyone have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19

Today I am thankful for my education.  I was blessed to have gone to private school until college.  At these schools I was provided a wonderful education that most people in America doesn't get.  At the second private school, I had wonderful teachers who were more like parents to us students and I am still really good friends with almost all of them! I go to church with several of the teachers, and I have also had the privilege of working along side of them to educate the students of the school now.

 Because of my education, I can read, write, and communicate intelligently (at least in English most of the time!)  Education is a possession that no one can take away, and you definitely get out of it what you put into it.  I knew enough when I was in school to appreciate the education I was receiving, but I really appreciate it now as I see the world around me disintegrating, especially in the area of education. I have met high school students who couldn't read or add and subtract, and it makes me wonder how they got to high school.  Education is also something that never stops if you don't want it to!

So everyone have a great Tuesday and go learn something!

This is trigonometry.  I accused the devil of writing this foreign language!  

Monday, November 18, 2013

Days 15, 16, 17 and 18

I was very busy over the weekend and I completely forgot to post so I will combine the last several days in one post.

Day 15- I am thankful for extended family.  I went to clean a house for my great uncle, and left paid for the cleaning plus a block of livermush (which would have been payment enough!), four rolls of deer hamburger, and turnips.  I didn't ask for any of it, they just kept shoving it at me and it was impossible to say no!

Day 16- I am thankful for Christmas music and snowmen and hot tea!

Day 17- I spent this day in church and had two wonderful services! At the end of the evening, I felt so at peace and rested. It was exactly what I needed!

Day 18-I am thankful for my sis in law, Emily.  We actually got to talk Saturday and most of it was conspiring about Christmas presents and talking about shopping.  It is nice to have a sister like person in my life, and while we may not be as close as I would like, I still love her!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day Fourteen

Today I am thankful for peanut M&M's used as stress relief!

I know they are not healthy but they taste really good and I heard a speaker say one time that because they are mostly peanuts and peanuts are good for you then they are health food.

Of course he also said that because Diet Coke was mostly water it was also healthy for you!

I like his thinking!

Have a great Thursday everyone!!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day Thirteen

Today, I am thankful for my brother.  My brother is really the only person who understands me when I talk about issues with my parents or childhood or family in general.  He understands because he grew up with me in the same household with the same family.  He has grown to be a wonderful friend through the years.  We used to fight something awful and we still have fun fighting, but I can talk to him when I can't talk to my parents!  He helps me work through issues with guys.  He can always make me laugh when I am having a bad day. He is a wonderful role model for almost everyone! He is a preacher and I can take my Bible questions to him and we can discuss them and not get mad when we don't agree with each other!  I could not imagine not having him in my life.  He is actually the kind of man I want to marry one day!  Love you JR!!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day Twelve

Today, I am thankful for my pastor and his family.  I really do have a wonderful pastor and had the privilege of him also being my high school principal for several years.  He is wise and tries to do right by everyone.  He is human so he doesn't always succeed, but none of us do.  My pastor's wife also works in the school, and she recently has been someone wonderful for me talk to about different situations.  I am really close to all three of their children (who aren't really children anymore) and Brittany has also become a close friend of mine.  I have been in churches where the pastor was only there for a paycheck but this is not the case with my pastor.  They are very involved with the youth of the church which has helped me tremendously through the years.  Thank you Lord for allowing me to know the Shepherd family!

From left to right: Ms. Janice, Brittany, Emily (my sis in law), Curt (the shorter one in front), Kyle (my brother), Benjamin, and Mr. Shepherd

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day ten

Today I am thankful for the opportunity to go to church. I have a wonderful church who would help me through hard times. Right now, we still have the freedom to go to church. I have heard of several stories lately where people are killed just for being caught witnessing and they continue to do it. It makes me wonder what my problem is, worrying about small stuff when there are people dying just to witness to someone.

Day Eleven

Today is Veteran's day, and I am so thankful for the people who has fought for this country. I may not agree with everything America has become, but there is really no denying that its still one of the greatest countries on Earth.  I could have been born in China, where I would have been given away or killed because I was a girl, or I could have been born into one of the Middle Eastern countries where I would have been married off at 14 to someone I didn't  know, or I could have been born into a country where I would have been sold as a sex slave, but I was born into a country that had men and women fight so that I wouldn't have to do any of that. These people go away from their families to fight for a country. That takes true dedication to their country and the people in it!  Thank you to everyone who has served and is serving!

God Bless America!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day Nine

Today I am thankful for my health. I have been unpacking theses last two days and that means carrying boxes, lifting, twisting, and running up and down stairs. I am a little over weight but I am basically healthy. I believe health is a resource and since we are called to be good stewards of our resources, I have a renewed desire to be as healthy as I can be. I have started walking several afternoons in a week, and I find that not only does this help me physically but it helps me mentally. I have also been eating better which helps my digestive issues and head aches. I have seen people not take care if their health and regret it just a few short years later. I am thankful I can go out and do almost anything I want because I am healthy.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Day Eight

Today I am thankful for God always knowing what I need. Like today after a rough week at work I get two days where I can relax and rest and recuperate and work on some things at the house. He always know what I need to hear, like this He has challenged me to several different things that I am now working on. I am thankful it's not always up to me too know best because I would mess it all up but I don't have to. I have someone I can trust in to know and supply all my needs!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day Seven

Today I am thankful for my apartment.  I recently moved because there was/is some insecurity with my job and I am trying to cut down on bills just in case something does happen.  I moved to a place that saves me over $100 in the total living costs and it has a washer and dryer, something my old place didn't have.   I am really like the area better than the one I was in, and I am closer to more people that I know.  I can't show you pictures of the inside yet because most of it is still a mess from unpacking, but I will get to work on that some tomorrow.  I am really thankful I have a decent place to live. I have seen people who live in houses who roofs leaked, and when they were asked what they would like in a new house it was to have more buckets to catch the leaks.  I have people have to board up their windows because there was no glass in them.  I have also seen people have to live with bars over their windows and doors because of how bad the area was.  I am truly blessed in where I live!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day Six

I have been thinking a lot lately about the wonderful friends I have. I have a post written on the importance of friendship, I just haven't gotten it typed yet, maybe tonight for tomorrow!  I really do have wonderful friends. They are always there for me when I need someone to talk to, bail me out of tough situations when I can't call family, and just there to have fun with.  Life would be really dull without my friends in it!   I can't post pictures of ALL my friends but I do have pictures of some of my best friends who I have known for years and haven't failed me yet!





 Dannie & Trisha


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day five

You can't really see anything in this picture but a door, but it's the front door to where I work. I am thankful for my job today. I work with really great people even though we sometimes have our differences. This job is teaching me a set of skills I didn't have before. I was thinking about my life goals the other night and this job I'd teaching me a lot of the skills I will need to complete those goals. It may not be my favorite job, but I am thankful I have a good passing job when so many people are out of work or having to keep two or three jobs just to make ends meet! Have a great day everyone!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Day Four

Day Four and I am thankful for my heritage. Our heritage helps mold us into who we are. I have a heritage of hard working, Godly grandparents. I was also honored to know most of my great grandparents. That is not something everyone gets to say. This picture is of my Daddy's father (my grandpa). He was a preacher and helped teach us right from wrong. He taught us that God should be first in our life no matter what.
And these are the rest of my grandparents who are still living at my brother's wedding. They continue to teach me, mold me and provide encouragement whenever needed.  Love them all so much!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day three

Day three is my daddy!  I'm not any more thankful for one parent than the other, but I did want them each to have a day to themselves! Daddy has taught me to take care of myself in rough situations and to work hard and if neither of those worked family had your back! Daddy had always watched out for me and took care of me (not saying mom didn't)! Love you Daddy!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day two

I am so thankful for my mom! She is honestly one of my best friends. She had taught me so much about sewing, cooking, crafting, and life in general. We can honestly talk for hours and we can incorporate Disney quotes in almost any situation. Love you mom!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thankful Day One

So for the first day of November I thought I would share what I am most thankful for which is salvation! Hands down! We didn't deserve Christ's gift to us but He lovingly laid down His life for us! Thank the Lord for grace!


As November is getting ready to begin tomorrow, I am thinking about fall and Thanksgiving.  I fully believe Americans in general are not nearly thankful as we should be.  I have seen children with nothing to eat, but even they had help from the government to get food, and while I have never seen been to other countries myself, I know people who has.  They come back with stories of families that can't support themselves, that doesn't get help from anyone and are forced to live in mud huts and hunt in the garbage for food and clothes. From the few trips I have been on, I continually try to be thankful and always remind myself that there are people worse off than me.

Soooo, for the month of November, I am going to take at least one picture of things I am thankful for and post it here. I will still have at least the devotions going.  I am unpacking and trying to get my place ready to be acceptable to see by Thanksgiving because my brother and sister in law are coming in.

So an introduction picture (that I did not take,except off of Pinterest! lol)

Have a blessed day everyone!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Being the Body of Christ

I have a wonderful friend who is always posting amazing things on Facebook.  He is such a Godly man and just an all around great guy!  I got this from him and kinda expounded on some of his thoughts. Thanks Brian Sawyer for your amazing thoughts!

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. (Ephesians 4:11-16 KJV)

There is so much in this passage. Some things I want to point out:

-some were appointed to offices, not everyone. If everyone in your church has a title, then maybe there should be some rediscovering of who we are called to be.

- the saints do the work of the ministry as those appointed to an office teach them

-everything is not placed on the shoulders of the leadership. Some times you need to go visit someone and not expect your pastor to do it. My pastor always says sheep breed sheep. Our pastors are only one person, and they cannot absolutely witness to everyone. It is really every Christian's duty to witness to others, not just the ones in leadership positions.

-all of our ministry is for the body of Christ to mature and to be unified. (I love this point! Couldn't have said it better myself)

-we should be perfect, so we can not use the excuse that we're not. He has made the way by His Spirit.

-ALL things should be done in love.

-we are to grow up in ALL things. Children aren't very wise and can be persuaded to believe anything and do almost anything.  Adults grow wiser as they grow older. We have to be spiritual adults as well as physical adults so we can be wise and see when someone is deceiving us.

-if we are lacking in any good thing it could be because we are not properly positioned within the body, or connected with the right people.

-what God has placed in you is crucial for others to reach their potential.  God does not anoint with you with whatever He has given you to make you better. He gave you those talents and gifts to bless other people with.

-what God has given you is not just for you, but for everyone connected to you

-it's time to grow up and be who God has called us to be

-without each other it's impossible

-no man is in Christ by himself

-if we are to all come into unity, you may have to spend your time helping someone else get there

-this is a team effort

-we are to grow up into the image of Christ....not your favorite preacher, teacher, or televangelist. Be yourself and concentrate on the life of Christ.

-it is possible for us all to be in one accord

-if we know we have something that someone else may need, then maybe we should volunteer to ask people how we can help them.

-Gods promises will lead to a drawing closer of you the people around you. If it is pulling you apart, it may be because of improper stewardship.

-we need to submit to leadership

-what we need to learn has been deposited into the leadership that God has placed above us.

Again, thanks Brian for being such an encouragement!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Does Anybody Hear?

I love this song and the reminder it gives. I think as Christians, we often don't see the people hurting around us. I think people generally get caught up with their own problems and ignore the ones who are getting ready to ruin their lives in some way.  

Christians also have a tendency to feel like they are better than the people in the world because we keep ourselves to certain standards and we go to church and we are saved and we have no reason to worry about where we will spend eternity, but Christ has called us to witness and minister to the lost. But it is impossible to minister to them if we don't see them around us.

And by seeing them, I don't mean looking down on them. I mean seeing them with the compassion that Christ showed the woman at the well and countless others.  I read a quote that said, "We should never look down on someone unless we are reaching down to help them up."

Let us show the compassion of Christ today and have a wonderful day!

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Importance of Serving While Single

Ecclesiastes 12:1  Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;

Psalm 37:4-5 Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

I believe it is important to serve others no matter what your state is,single, married, widowed, handicapped, young, old, what have you. There is always a way to serve someone else no matter what, even if it is very small in your eyes. 

I am fairly young and completely healthy and love to help others.  The verse in Ecclesiastes says to remember your Creator in the days of your youth.  I have heard countless older people tell me that they wish they had the opportunity to work in the church or other various things to serve and just couldn't because their health kept them from it. They are still serving by being an encouragement to others and giving advice to the ones who will listen.

The verse in Psalm says to delight yourself in the Lord and to commit your ways to Him and He will give you the desires of your heart. I believe that if you focus on serving God and serving others as He commands us, that He will give you not only what you need but also your wants. 

I also believe that just because I am single, it is pointless for me to sit around and do nothing but wait on a spouse and then start working.  I want a spouse that is willing to work and wants to serve others, so it doesn't make sense for just to sit around and do nothing until he shows up, because when he does come around, he won't want anything to do with me if I am doing nothing because he will think I'm lazy and he will want someone working for the Lord also.
In some ways, it is easier to serve while you are single. I have had opportunities to travel (not out of the country, but to different parts of the country. I can't wait to get out of the country too!) that if I have had to worry about taking care of a spouse or kids I wouldn't have been able to go. Some of these opportunities show up last minute, and since it is just me I can just pack a bag and go!

Ok, so now some of my favorite ways to serve. 

1) Our church has nursing home services that I absolutely love going to.  It makes me so thankful of everything I have, my family, my health, and my ability to go anytime I want.  I go to be a blessing but most of the time I come away the one blessed! These sweet people most of the time have no one to care about them, and they just love the attention. Most of them have such a sweet spirit and are so encouraging, even though you are there to encourage them.

2) My church has a Christian school, and my favorite way to serve hands down is going to volunteer at the school. I absolutely love those kids! On a whole they are really great kids and it is an honor to help shape them and prepare them for life.  I have a couple that needed more tutoring than others and they have my phone number and still call me to help tutor them!

3) Mission trips- Again I have only been to trips inside the country and I cannot wait until I get to go outside of the country too! I have been to one in Arkansas where we went into one of the poorest counties in America. My group helped with a two week youth camp. I cried the whole week! The families I saw and the condition they were in made me so thankful for everything I have.  You could obviously tell they didn't have a tenth of the "things" I have, but on a whole were  many times more thankful for what they did have.  I have also been to Harland, KY several times, and will get to go back this year.  This a coal mining community who struggles to make ends meet, and we are getting to give food and toys out for Christmas.  I love helping the kids put their toys together and playing with them!

I honestly believe we are the ones who get the blessing when we serve others!

Have a great Monday Everyone!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


We are having revival this week at church, so it has made it a very busy week. My pastor made the statement that "Revival is a state of living, not an event."  I have been thinking about this statement since he made it.   The dictionary says revival is renewed attention to or interest in something. We should live everyday with a renewed interest in God and His Word and what He wants for us that day. I know this is hard because "Life is a cycle of remembering and forgetting." (Ted Dekker, If you have never read anything by him, I completely recommend him.)  And sometimes we go through several cycles of forgetting and remembering in a day.  I know my brain won't quit worrying about certain situations. I will pray about them and then five minutes later I am worrying about them again. I am particularly bad to do this money. And then I have to remind myself that I turned it over to God and with His help everything will be ok.

So that is the deep thought for this morning.

Last night I get to church early, and I was eating supper in the car and my sweet friend Kaitlyn and her husband pull up and she wants some of my macaroni and we couldn't quite reach. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Praise in the Storm

We are having revival this week at church and the evangelist talked about the difference in faith and trust (more on that in another post), and they sang a song that the daughter and my dear friend , Sandy, wrote, and its called "I'm Not Afraid to Trust Him." I fell in love with this song, but as they haven't recorded it yet, I can't share it with you.  But one that is very similar and I have always loved is Casting Crowns "Praise You in the Storm."  It really goes along with the trust no matter what, because if we don't trust God in the storm, we sure can't praise Him in the storm.  

I hope that no matter if you are in a storm or you see clear skies, you praise Him.

Also have a great Tuesday!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Remembering the Refuge

Psalm 46:1

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

David said this while he was going through trials.  He said it with no question, that God IS our refuge, not that He might be sometimes, but He is ALWAYS our refuge.

So many times we forget what a refuge we have, I know I do. I tend to worry about things I can't change or do anything about and if I would just go hide under the refuge and leave my worry outside, I would be so much better off.  God wants us to use Him as a refuge and so many times we don't go to the one place where we can find help.

I am guilty of coming to Him as a last resort, when I really know if I would take it to Him first, I wouldn't end up hurt or frustrated or angry with whatever situation it is. I am really trying to live under the refuge and look to Him for help at the first sign of trouble.

People often don't have a problem standing in line for a meal, or a sale at a store, but they often won't go to the place to get the help they need spiritually. They also act embarrassed by the fact that they need help, when it really is as natural as filling the car up with gas. Life drains us, and we need to run to the refuge to recharge.

Remember who is your refuge and have a great Monday!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Unfailing Love

One thing Remains by Jesus Culture

I have had my Pandora playing the last few days, especially when I am at work, and I caught myself singing along to this song.  All of a sudden I felt like the words just slapped me in the face.  The chorus is all about how God's love never fails and never gives up on us no matter what we do to fail Him.  Lately, I have felt so unworthy of His love, but that really makes me appreciate it that much more!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!

Monday, October 14, 2013


This post is just some raw feelings. I actually wrote it a couple days ago and still feel this way today, but over the weekend I realized that I am blessed even though I am single.  I don't feel as depressed as this sounds like I did, but I am sure that will come back. But for the time being, I am trying to focus on the positive and just trust God and praise Him for the blessings I do have.

I long for a husband.  I find myself lonely a lot these days wishing I had that mate whom I could spend the rest of my days with.  I realize I am supposed to trust God and wait in Him but that is so hard.  I told myself I would not look for another guy to try to fix the hurt that came from someone close to me who I never thought would hurt me, but since I told myself that I have had two former relationships (however brief they were) get in contact with me. While nothing serious has happened from these talks, it still reminds me that I am lonely. I also wonder if it is a trick to get my mind off of God to try to pursue either of these guys. There has got to be someone special out there for me, who will treat me different than previous relationships. I want to be able to trust my heart with someone and have him trust me the same way and merge our live together and serve the Lord together.

I feel like I am being punished for doing the right thing while those around me get to be happy because they were dishonest and willing to hurt others to be together. Everyone has been telling me I need to get married and they just don't understand that I haven't found the right one yet.  I thought I knew who it was and then he hurt me, and I then I thought I found him again, but I have never met him in person just on Facebook and while I admire him and his work I just don't see how that could work since he lives across the state (but stranger things have happened. my brother met his wife in Oklahoma.) and I know I tend to rush God and that gets me in trouble, but I have to be the worst in the world at waiting.

I get told all the time that I am beautiful and pretty (and I have a pretty decent self esteem but it is still nice to hear), but it seems like the only guys that are interested in me, are only interested in sleeping with me, and I have decided that I deserve so much more than to just get used physically. and then sometimes I think, if I did let myself then at least I would be with someone.

I have always wanted to adopt but I always wanted to do it with someone and build a family. I always wanted someone to even out my weaknesses with their strengths and  the other way around. I know there are perks to being to single, but right now all I see is the loneliness. I am at that stage of life where everyone I went to school with , and all my friends are getting married and having kids and I want that too. I want someone to share holidays with joint families.

The older I get the more I have a hard time waiting because I feel like my age will keep me from getting married. I know in my head that it won't but I am in a culture when everyone gets married young because that is when we are physically at our best. My parents also married young and I always thought I would too. Now I am seeing how wrong I was. I read a lot of blogs where most of them are wives and moms and most of them are my age or younger and that really doesn't help. I have heard over and over when the time is right God will send the right one along, but most of the time the people saying this are the ones who are already happily married and it really doesn't help that much.  I started this blog to try to help single women like me, but I don't see where I can help if I still have all of these feelings that it doesn't seem like I can control. Maybe it is just helping someone because I am going through this with them.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Update on Moving (or Lack of)

So I really wanted to get on here this morning and tell everyone what great progress I had made on packing my house and how I was ready to move in 11 days, but I got home and was so tired I sat down for a few minutes, then cleaned out a closet (some reason I am doing better with the closets right now), and went and got supper.

 After supper I got a text from a friend saying she was taking her baby girl to the ER because she was running a real high fever, and she asked me if I would come sit with her (to keep mommy calm, baby was great even though she didn't feel good). So I got in the car and went.

 We have been friends for ten years and have been there for each other through alot. She knows that I am a Christian, and what a great way to witness to her than with an act of love, by just being there.  She told me I was the only one she could call to come sit with her. We need to be on the lookout for opportunities to witness.  This wasn't really convenient for me, my friend and her baby are so much more important than packing "stuff."

 With this move, I will be alot closer to her and will get to babysit her two kids more often and see her more.  Turns out baby is fine. The fever could either be from an ongoing ear infection or from teething, but it was coming down as we were leaving.

Then I came home and talked to a different friend up until about 11 (which is really late for me now), and then he texted me first thing this morning.  Monday was not great, but it is turning out to be a really good week.
Hope everyone is having a great week! Happy Hump day!

                                        Here is the sweet girl a few weeks ago, feeling great!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

As Far As the East is from the West

Casting Crowns sings this song and I absolutely love it!  It the perfect picture of grace and mercy. I love how Jesus "casts our sin as far as the East is from the West." and continues to love us and pick us up after we fail. I love the line in the first verse that says "I don't wan to end up where you found me." and then " I feel like I'm just one mistake away from you leaving me this way."  These two thoughts are continuously on my mind. I have done things I am not proud of, and will most likely do more, but Jesus died so our sin can be cast away and because He loved us.  And He does everything He can to keep us in His arms, but so many times we do things to separate ourselves from Him. I am so thankful He knows how far the east is from the west, but He chooses not to remember our forgiven sins.

Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Being Held By Mercy

Psalm 94:17-18
17 Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence.
18 When I said, My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O Lord, held me up.

There have been many times I have felt like my soul was in silence. I feel lost and despondant and no one can help you out of that situation.  The only help I can get is from time and prayer with the Lord. Here lately I have had alot of stress and hurt, and I find myself wanting to get angry and bitter and when I do my soul will dwell in silence again.  I don't want this to happen at all. It's not a good place to be.

There have been many times I have slipped and failed God and others.  The only reason I am the person I am today is because of the mercy of  God.  When I feel myself falling, it's only His mercy that keeps me from completely crashing.  I have a picture in my head of someone falling over a cliff and the Lord catching me at just the last minute, so perfectly like it was in the movies or something.  It's Monday and nothing seems to be going right today and I feel like going back home to bed and shutting the world out, and today I need His mercy to hold me up. This past week dealing with things, I feel like I have messed everything up I go to do.  I feel alone because I am single and the people who hurt me are happy.  I feel like I am not worthy of mercy. None of us are worthy of mercy, which is exactly why we need it.  Yesterday, in church, I gave the hurt, anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness to God, and immediately felt His mercy surround me. I felt like I was being hugged tightly and it was healing my wounds from years ago to today.  I am not completely ok but I am healing.  I don't know what I would do without His mercy helping me.

Ok it's rainy and wet, which may be a little cause for the depressing note, but go have a cup of hot tea and read a good book and I am going to get to work.  Happy Monday everyone!