Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday Favorites

So this has been a tough week with several deaths, and I haven't shared in a while so this is for a few weeks.  

Hope Everyone is having a Wonderful Friday! What's your favorite part of the weekend?

 Got my contacts back this day but was having a great hair day, so selfie time!

My sweet mom and for lunch and coffee!!

Absolutely love this sweet girl!!!!

Got to watch this lady in her first mounted shooting competition! She got second in her class! So proud!!!!

 I stopped to get coffee before meeting my grandma this day and the lady in front of me paid for my coffee.  Absolutely made my day knowing there are still kind people out there.

Bible School!  I wanted to take many more pictures but my phone kept dying. 

There is nothing cuter than this little one growling out the word "bubbles" and then proceeding to blow them. Just melts my heart!!!

 Movie Time!

He loves chewing on fingers!!!!

We tried grilling and could not get the charcoal lighted, until after everything had been cooked on the propane. We decided we were not the next iron chefs of America!

We had a school reunion and got to catch up! Have missed this girl so much, that we made plans for dinner later this week!

The brother and I on our way to shop til we drop!

My sis in law decided she needed a five minute work out!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Broken Hallelujah

I know of at least three families that have been touched by death in the last two weeks, and my heart hurts for them.  This song reminds me to praise God even in the midst of the worst times.

Hope you guys are having a wonderful Tuesday!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Who Will Step Up?

This weekend a sweet dear lady passed away.  She was a faithful member of our church. She loved everyone and never said a cross word about anyone that I heard.  I had the privilege to sit with her through her rehab and visit with her several times.  There were two things she loved to do more than anything.  That was read her Bible especially to others, and to sing about Jesus.  Through all the pain and hard times, I saw her do these two things constantly.  She was a perfect example on how to be loving, patient, and humble.

I loved this woman very much, but I am not sad she has passed away. I hurt for the family, knowing that they feel a loss.  Our church will feel the loss of this wonderful saint.  But as I keep thinking about the future without her, I keep having one constant thought. Who will step up and take her place down here on Earth?

 She was such a Godly example, and I don't feel like I will ever be able to live up to her example, but I will try. This world needs people who will pray and love like Jesus did. She prayed constantly and talked about Jesus every chance she got.  How often do we even think about Jesus much less talk about Him to other people?

She was so humble and content with whatever life dealt her, even in the hospital and rehab I never heard her complain. How often do I whine because I don't get my way on a daily basis?

I see her life as a challenge to me to step up and become a Christ like example to the younger ones who look up to me as I did her.

Who has challenged you to step up in your life?

At the Sweetheart Banquet 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Returning... Hopefully New and Improved

Good morning everyone! It has been about five weeks (give or take a few days) since I have been on here, and the list of reasons is long and actually some reasons are pretty boring. But while I have been away I could not quit thinking on how to make this space better, not only for me but for my readers, however few or many they may be.

I have quite a few new features I want to start implementing on here that could be suitable for anyone, even though I tend to focus on young single women since that is where my experience lies.  I also want to focus on all aspects of life, because if one aspect is out of balance it throws your whole life out of balance and and this space is named A Life Well Made so I want to live up to the name!!

I have been running my new ideas by my life adviser aka my mom, and she has been wonderfully helping me work through these ideas and improve upon them.  I won't be able to implement them all at once because I want them to be consistent and of good quality so I will be bringing them on slowly.  If you see something new, let me know what you think about it in the comments.

I am happy to be back!  I am looking forward to connecting with people and hopefully encouraging people in their Well Made Lives!