Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Comfort Zones

I know it's easy to stay in those comfort zones, so here is a little inspiration to help get you out!
All-time favorite quote by Steve Prefontaine. I use to have this posted near the light switch in my bedroom.  Small steps make big changes  The walls we build to protect us from sadness can become the walls which also protect us from happiness | Anonymous ART of Revolution        Faith. 

Happy Humpday Everyone!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

In My Own Little World

Part of the reason people love their comfort zones so much is because they don't have to deal with anyone new for good or bad.  A lot of times this means we are missing the people who need our help. I love this song because it talks about how he stepped out of his comfort zone and helped someone and added to his population in his own little world.

Have a Wonderful Tuesday!!!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Comfort Zones

It seems like lately, all that has happened is pushing me out of my comfort zone. Work is stressful and this office has potential to close at any time.  I am dealing with making lifestyle changes because I could be facing some scary health situations. I am working on a project that could become my  career. I am working with people I don't really care for and they may not like me on a project that I don't really want to do.  And these are just the recent examples.

Part of my problem with getting out of my comfort zone is so many times I lack the faith it takes to just step out.  Stepping out of your "bubble" is scary. You could fall on your butt. Really Hard. Falling on your butt hurts. A lot. I honestly believe I have potential to do great things, but I am scared most of the time of failing.  Most of the time, I don't have a problem being different as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, and that includes me too.

I believe in each case that has gotten me out of my "bubble" lately is God's doing and that I really need to do these things.  So I have to believe He is with me through these hard times. 

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness  Isaiah 41:10

He will help us and hold us in His righteousness. We have nothing to fear when we are in the palm of His hand.

For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.  Isaiah 41:13

This verse reminds me of a loving parent holding their child's hand, guiding them and encouraging them to not be afraid.  He is our Heavenly Father who is leading us, so it makes sense, He will encourage us too.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Philippians 1:6

I love the fact that this verse tells us to be confident in the God that began this work in you.  He put those desires to be different in you for a reason. He not only began a good work, but He is there every step of the way until it is finished.

What are your comfort zones you are being called out of?

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Friday Faves

So last week’s wouldn't post so I am going to double up this week.

     1)      The school I volunteer for had wacky sock day.  I participated!!!!                                                                                 

    2)      I had the most wonderful dinner with a friend I had not seen in a really long time. We both had a really rough day, and we sat there for a couple hours just catching up and venting and reuniting with plans to do it again really soon!
    3)      My friend from the 3rd grade (just saying that makes me feel old!) invited me to a baseball game.  While the home team lost badly, we had a wonderful time!!!

    4)      Last Saturday, I took a widow, who is very dear to my heart, lunch.  We sat and talked for a couple hours. She shared with me some of her hardest times in life and the verses that got  her through those times.  She had me in tears, knowing I haven’t been through nearly as much as she has, and she is still going strong in her faith in the Lord.  That day I received so much hope for my future, that God would be with me no matter what.

    5)      Last Sunday was Easter. I went to the sunrise service at church.  There was so much joy in that place that morning.  I was reminded that without Easter, I would have no grace, mercy, joy or forgiveness.

    6)      Tuesday, I went to my Grandma’s to eat supper. I always love going over there  and just talking with my family.  They are so loving and accepting of me and don’t laugh at my dreams but encourage me to follow them.  

7) Yesterday I got to see my Julie and get coffee.  I get to see this sweet wonderful woman again today so more pictures will be on here next week too!!!!

Comparisons and Flowers

I continuously compare myself to others. I am skinnier than them. I am fatter than them. I have longer or shorter hair than them. I am taller or shorter than them. They dress better than I do.  They are prettier than I am. I am nicer than they are. They have more money than I do.  And it goes on continuously through my mind.

I have noticed I play the comparison game more when I am around people who I am not sure of their opinion of me or I know they don’t like me.  I never make comparisons with family or best friends.  I can notice the differences and likenesses without tearing myself down or building myself up where there is no problem.  My family and friends that should have been family know my strengths and weaknesses and they don’t hold them against me.  They encourage me the way I am.   

When I was involved in my book club every week, I never  worried about what they thought of me.  When I was my lowest in college, they took me in and loved me the way I am.  They accepted my weaknesses and encouraged my strengths.  I never felt like they were comparing me against themselves, and I didn't feel the need to compare myself to them.  Where I go to church at right now, there is a group of people who I constantly feel like I am being compared against, so I feel the need to measure up to them, even though it is obvious we have different talents and will never measure up in the same areas. 

Because we are strong in different areas, I feel the need to be strong in every area, and you know as well as I do, it just can’t be done.  I will have weaknesses. I will still fail. I still won’t be the best at everything.  But I cannot let that make me feel like a failure at life.  Those people may never like me.  They may never feel like I measure up to them, but I really shouldn't be seeking their approval anyway. And when I get down to the bottom of the matter, that is exactly what I am doing by comparing. I should be seeking God’s approval and let everyone else have their own feelings.  I should be so focused on God’s opinion that no one else matters if they don’t agree with Him.

Flowers don’t worry about blooming prettier than the flower next to them. They just bloom as pretty as they can. I should be a flower!!!!

So to all you gorgeous flowers out there, Have a wonderful Day!!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I have noticed myself comparing myself to others when I feel confident in myself.  Monday's post was all about that, but it didn't post correctly so I am going to work on that tonight so you can get it tomorrow at the latest!  But in the mean time here are a few reminders to be your beautiful self that God created you to be!!

It's a journey.  Confidence

You ARE a Beautiful CupCake - i seem to have an obsession with this quote    Trust Me, You're Lovely This. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday all you lovelies!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I love this song!!!!! It is a recent find for me, but I love the reminder that I shouldn't let anything or anyone but God define me.  I shouldn't compare myself to others (yesterday's post that didn't post! totally stinks!)  that I should be who God wants me to be, and that He has made me beautiful!!!!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tell Me Something Good

This morning has been a rough morning already, so I am trying to keep my head up while I deal with banks and loan companies who have messed up royally this morning.  So I hope these pins are inspiring to you and that you are having a wonderful day!!!

           Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for those who love the Lord, and are called according to His plan and purpose for them.

        god-002 » Quotes Orb - A Planet of Quotes

Focus on your own journey.     wake up and chase your dreams

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I See Love

I See Love by Third Day.

When we see a picture of Jesus on the cross we are being shown a picture of the most perfect love there ever was.  I love how this song describes what other people may see.

I am so thankful for the love Jesus had for us, dying on that cross, but then again not staying dead. He rose in three days! That shows even more love and power!

I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday filled with reminders of His love!

Monday, April 14, 2014


This post is a little late tonight, and really I am glad. I have had several topics swirling in my head, but none of them seemed quite right.  This topic has been heavy on my heart, and every time I thought I had forgot about it, I heard another story that drove the point home.

Today I read an article about a woman, who had murdered seven of her newborn babies and put them in cardboard boxes in her garage. Her estranged husband who had just gotten out of jail was cleaning his stuff out of the garage and found them.  I want to know what kind of sick person it takes to do this?

I also heard of another family (I use that term loosely in this case) where a few months ago, the middle child age 2, had gotten into the homemade drugs his parents (again another very loose term) had mixed and he overdosed.  He spent weeks in ICU recovering and the other two children were taken and put in a foster home.  He was put in the same foster home after leaving the hospital.  It has just come out that the foster parents were burning these poor children with cigarettes and who knows what other abuse they put these children through.    The middle child who overdosed had spent most of his life in a car seat in dirty diapers because it was more convenient for the adults. All three children are under the age of six. They do not realize or understand why they are having to go through this pain.  They have done nothing to deserve this treatment.  The newborns did not deserve to die and rot in cardboard boxes.

I don't understand how these foster parents became foster parents in the first place, seeing how it is highly unlikely that this is the first time this has happened.  I want to find these kids and just hug their pain away and comfort them and show them what love is and how the adults in their life should have treated them. I know that me being a single woman could provide more love than any other adult in their life has provided them so far.

These stories have only strengthened my resolve not to have any kids of my own, but to foster and adopt hurting kids.  My goals right now is to pay off my car and school loans as soon as possible and buy a huge house in the middle of the country so I can be like the Duggar family, only my kids being adopted.  I want to be able to show these kids that are still good people in the world.

These stories have also made me even more grateful for my parents.  They may not be perfect people, but they did their very best for my brother and I. They loved us no matter what crazy things we did.  They disciplined us, but never abused us.  We may not have gotten everything we wanted, but we got everything we needed and if at all possible we got what we wanted.  We never went hungry. We were not the richest family in terms of money, but we knew we were loved.  We didn't always get along, but we have been there for each other when we were needed.  My mom is my best friend and my daddy still talks about spoiling me even though I am 27.

I really don't know how to end this.  It's not appropriate to say something witty or tell a joke and I really don't know a question to ask.  All I can say is, if you have wonderful parents cherish them and let them know you do.  If you had abusive parents or guardians I am so sorry and my heart breaks for you. I fully believe no child deserves to grow up abused, physically,mentally, or emotionally.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Friday Favorites

I am a day late this time, but I hope to on Fridays have at least a small list of some of my favorite moments of the week.  I think this will help me to appreciate the small things in life.  Sooo with no further adieu.....
1)  This lady and I went to my first rodeo. It was a junior rodeo and we had a blast even though I got burnt to a crisp!

2) I love this post by Molly at Still Being Molly.  I love the reminder that I am good enough, no matter how much I don't feel good enough.

3) I was lucky enough to get to see all these lovely munchkins this week!!!!

4) My favorite part of the day is sitting down to do my devotions.  It never fails to calm my worries, gives me the encouragement I need, shows me where I need to improve, and just gives me a moment of rest.

5)  This lady is such a wonderful friend. She listens to all my ideas, good or bad. She lets me call her and complain about anything. We have such similar personalities we find it funny and a little strange.  She turned into one of my closest friends almost overnight, and I love her to death!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!!!
What are some of your favorite moments of the week?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I love, Love, LOVE Pinterest!!! I find so much on there, from inspiring quotes to recipes to crafts to humor to brighten up my day!!!! So on Wednesdays, when most people are feeling the weight of the work week, I want to bring just a few pins to brighten your day (and give myself a reminder also!).  I will try to have a theme each week but the themes could be anything!

Have a great hump day everyone!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Words Bringing Life

I have been thinking about this blog a lot lately along with another project I have going that will tie into this blog eventually. I have been thinking about what I want to do with this blog and where I want it to go.  I have not been putting the time lately into that it really deserves to go where I want it to.  I have decided that this blog is something I am passionate about making work.  I enjoy the freedom of writing my feelings and hoping they touch someone else.  I love inspiring other people and I started this blog focusing on single women like me.  That will still be my focus but that is not the only group I will be catering too.  I hope that everyone that visits this space leaves with some inspiration.

I was listening to the radio in the car and was thinking about the blog and other project and I heard this song, and it fits so much what I want this blog to do.  I want everything I put on here to speak life.  I want to be an open book, with me living intentional.  I am working in an office right now, but I have expressed several times on and off here that this is not my dream job and I won't be there forever, so I am trying to learn everything I can from the experience and work on living my dreams.

So I hope you enjoy the song and that in the upcoming posts you find that my words speak life!!!

Happy Tuesday!